Also on the rise: Under new ownership, a Norwegian module maker could add 1 GW of U.S. capacity; Sunrun add $1 billion to a finance facility; and a natural gas-friendly renewable energy bill passes in North Carolina.
The move comes as Reliance pushes forward with its $10 billion plan to expand in the renewable energy industry.
The system would be connected to the ConEdison grid as a distributed generation asset, and could come online in 2022.
Also on the rise: Energy shortages in China could disrupt or halt deliveries, a Tier 1 manufacturer warns; Arevon acquires a solar+storage peaker project; and researchers explain how large-scale solar can cool nearby areas.
The Vikings Energy Farm is contracted for 20 years to provide resource adequacy and renewable energy to San Diego Community Power.
The company’s second major project news of the fall also marks its entry into the US solar market.
Also on the rise: Massachusetts considers SMART program changes, EV demand could tighten li-ion battery supplies for utility energy storage, and Greenbacker adds to its Colorado solar portfolio.
The company said it will consider options for its Commercial & Industrial Solutions business including new ownership.
All four projects in the portfolio are planned to reach operation by Q3 2022, with the fourth project currently undergoing acquisition.
The airport will buy electricity via 25-year power purchase agreements that are expected to save it $3 million over the term.
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