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Solar power on pace to save the world

A think tank analysis suggests that if solar power keeps up its growth pace, along with wind, then the global power sector will meet its carbon reduction targets to keep world temperatures in check.


Solar leasing risks & rewards, & other topics on day 2 of the Tax, Finance, & Buyer’s seminar

The second day at SEIA dove into the risks and rewards of solar leasing, as well as a slew of tax considerations including tax transfer challenges, assignment rights & interests.

Manchin and the BBB, Intel+Microsoft and ESG, and SEIA in NYC

There was a lot of optimism about the BBB Act, ITC, solar potential in NY and more at the Solar Finance, Tax, & Buyers Seminar in New York — lawyers, CPAs, developers, and solar politics.

Solar forecasting teams win $300,000 in prizes from government competition

The Solar Energy Technology group awarded $50,000 to five groups for most accurately predicting solar generation data over a four week period, at ten geographically diverse sites across the US.

What we have here is a failure to communicate solar generation data

Washington DC Attorney General Racine has filed a complaint against utility PEPCO for general incompetence in managing the community solar program, with a focus on additional hardware requirements and a failure to properly measure and compensate solar electricity generation.


Iowa politician attacks landowner freedoms

Law moving forward in Iowa that would ban solar on any land in state measured at minimal “corn suitability rating.”


Newer and larger solar plants perform better, while older plants pick up steam with repowering

US government lab sees utility scale solar fleet degrading faster than projected at 1.2% a year, while newer and larger plants are degrading at only 0.7% a year. Older plants appear to be getting repowered in year seven, yielding lasting performance increases.

Humans have installed 1 terawatt of solar capacity, generated over 1 petawatt of solar electricity in 2021

The homo sapien species has installed its first terawatt of hardware on Earth to generate electricity directly from its local star.

Solar+food in ethanol fields could fully power the United States

Converting the nation’s 40 million acres of ethanol corn farms into solar-plus-food facilities would generate 1.5 times our nation’s electricity needs, while also powering a 100% electrified passenger vehicle fleet.


LONGi releases Hi-MO 5 snow load test results, suggests module superiority

LONGi Solar has released the data of an inhomogeneous snow-load test. Its results show that its 72-cell solar modules held 1,800 pascals more force than a competing large format product using 210 mm cells.

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