The state legislature amended their local tax laws to lock in the assessed value of land on which renewable energy projects are built.
Government developing a program to deploy $500 million to kickstart development of a potential 89 GW of renewables across 17,750 current and former mining sites
NYSERDA has launched a Request for Information to gain stakeholder feedback on refinements to the state’s Large Scale Renewables procurement and Clean Energy Standard programs.
A recent poll found that 70% of Americans see climate change as a crisis or major problem. And while 78% of Americans reported being personally affected by extreme weather, only 39% are willing to take on costs to prevent it.
The United States’ power grid crossed 45% of emission free electricity in April, which will probably be our peak clean generation number for the year, as hydro and nuclear fall in the month.
Using broad average values of 48.5 pounds of carbon sequestration per year for a mature tree, versus 0.85 pounds of emissions offset per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity, it’s clear that some tree clearing is acceptable from an emissions standpoint.
The power company has issued 2022 RFPs for 3 GW of new capacity, while projecting up to 17 GW of new renewable capacity by 2031.
The 2022 Solar Risk Assessment focuses on inverter failures and rosy risk projections, which are the leading causes of economic loss for utility scale solar facilities.
Alion Energy trackers thread the ROI needle with productivity gains from white roofs and bifacial modules, while design aggressively maximizes module count
A team at Princeton University developed a new technique to accelerate solar cell longevity testing, while concurrently discovering a layer, only a few atoms in thickness, which is credibly projected to support perovskites lasting thirty years.
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