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A solar project would multiply a North Dakota town’s budget, but a 1995 ordinance prevents it

Colfax Township’s zoning board is reviewing a 1995 ordinance that bars solar installations after a proposed project is estimated to increase the town’s budget from $80,000 to $180,000, plus bring revenues to the local school district, county and state. In total, $1.4 million of revenue would be shared with Colfax within the first five years of operations.

Kentucky’s largest solar project to be built on former coal mine

The 200 MW Martin County Solar Project will be constructed on 1,200 acres of the former Martiki coal mine site, and construction is set to employ displaced coal workers.

S&B USA acquires a massive solar project coming to Texas

The 260 MW Brazoria West Solar Project was sold by Savion and marks S&B USA’s second solar buy since entering the U.S. market.

Utility-scale solar roundup: PV-powered steel from Lightsource, Savion in Ohio and Michigan

Dean Solon, CEO of Shoals: “A lot of people thought that the 100 MW fields were all dead, but those suckers are coming back with a vengeance.”


Do Montanans dream of affordable electric buses, EDF and Shell sign a substantial contract: pvMB 12/5/19

Hello wonderful people and welcome to your Thursday pvMB. today we’ve got Savion’s 8 GW project pipeline, Mrs. Butterworth going solar, 3 MW coming to Virginia schools from Standard Solar and more!

Alabama sun tax challenged, 45 MW coming to Minnesota: pvMB 10/15/19

Hello one and all and welcome to this Tuesday’s pvMB. Today we’ve got in front of us a neat solar-powered, three-wheeled EV, Iowa Man yelling at the wind and sun, Duke installing 5 MW battery and more!


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