The VPP provider adds a focus on subtle energy shifts to help ratepayers lower energy costs without sacrificing their comfort.
A panel at RE+ Northeast 2025 discussed ways to maximize the value of virtual power plants so everyone on the grid wins.
A report from Deloitte showed how distributed energy resources (DER) can help the U.S. meet its climate goals while improving the functionality of the grid.
The Rocky Mountain Institute said global demand for fossil fuels peaked in 2019, and renewables are occupying that demand due to low costs and shifts in global capital.
A home battery paired with rooftop solar can provide backup power during rolling blackouts, shift power usage schedules to avoid peak demand charges, among other benefits.
A case study on the efficacy of residential solar and energy storage in forming virtual power plants during peak demand events is shared by Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, economist-at-large and grid controls expert.
The impacts of solar on New England’s grid are transforming the needs of the system, and this is new ground for the region.
A recent report by the state’s grid operator shows that solar and wind helped to meet peak demand on days of peak power demand in August, including the scorching afternoon that set a new all-time record.
Texas reached an all-time peak yesterday between 4 and 5 PM. A wave of incoming solar projects can help to meet the state’s intense need for power, particularly if paired with batteries.
Legislation calling for 15% of peak demand to be met by energy storage is moving through the House; a veto-proof increase in system sizes under net metering goes to the governor; and 215 MWac of large-scale solar projects are seeking various approvals.
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