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Where does the 100% clean energy movement go from here?

With Washington Governor Jay Inslee signing his state’s 100% clean energy target into law yesterday, most of the easy victories have now been achieved, and the path forward is more complicated.


One more state, two more utilities pledge 100% clean power

Yesterday Washington became the fourth state to mandate 100% carbon-free electricity, with promises to meet mandates early by Avista and PNM in New Mexico.


Washington 100% renewable bill passes both Houses

Washington is looking to become the fourth state to make the move to 100% renewable electricity, with only a Senate review and the hand of Governor Inslee left in the way of SB 5116.


pvMB 3/18/19: Musk dubs 2019 the “Year of the Solar Roof,” Vote Solar’s 2019 Equinox party… and more!

Happy Monday to you and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ll be looking at TEP using sheep for brush control, Hawaiian energy leaders calling on Washington to go 100% solar, a 149 MW project planned in Michigan and everything else you need to start you week in solar.


Solar power brings in the big (lease) money for Washington State

Avangrid Renewables has signed a solar energy power contract with Puget Sound Energy for a 150 MWac solar power plant, the first solar power project over 30 MW in the state to reach this milestone. The land lease rate of $300/acre/year is 150x the prior $2/acre/year grazing rights the state land was paid.

Green New Deal arrives in state legislatures

This blog post by EQ Research takes a look at the spur of state-level green energy initiatives that have followed in the wake of the Green New Deal.

Silfab says it will bring metal wrap through solar to the United States

The company is doubling the output of the factory it bought from ITEK in Washington State.


100% zero-carbon energy policies advance in three states

Bills to move to 100% carbon-neutral electricity by 2030 and 2045 advanced in Washington and New Mexico, while Minnesota’s governor announced a plan to move his state to 100% zero-carbon by 2050.

Midwestern and Northern Tier contractors put up 250 MW of small-scale solar

Contractors in Indiana, Washington, Illinois and Iowa put up half of that total, while groups work to expand opportunities state by state. “Snapshot stories” included.


pvMB 2/25/19 solar in… Alaska?

Hello and thank you for starting your Monday with the pv magazine morning brief. Today we’ll be looking at Solarize Philly’s third round of request for proposals, a proposed energy storage grant fund in Utah, the symbiosis between farmers and large-scale solar and everything else you need to take on this week in the solar industry.

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