The utility is now at 1.25 GW of solar, and this is just the beginning.
Policies have consequences and the nation’s largest solar developer is laying off an estimated 20% of its workforce.
CALSSA has released a whitepaper to guide policy makers in refining legislation to maximize the value of customer-sited solar plus storage.
Hello and thanks for spending your last day of January reading the pv magazine morning brief. Today we’ll take a gander at Atlas Renewable Energy’s deployment of NEXTrackers TrueCapture Control System in Latin America, APA Solar Racking launching the TITAN Series Racking System, Delta complying with rapid shutdown requirements using Tigo and all else that came across our desks in the world of solar.
Elon Musk’s company is seeing tremendous success with its EVs and global manufacturing, as well as dramatically scaling its energy storage deployment. However the Solar Roof is still not being widely deployed.
The court is the first stop of the ballot initiative which would break up the big utilities, introduce retail choice, and enshrine the right of residents to generate their own power.
Hello to you on this fine Wednesday morning and thanks for checking out the pv magazine morning brief. Today we’re taking a look at the violence caused by climate change, Kaco’s new monitoring portal and Recycle PV Solar, COSEIA and AriSEIA getting in on a pv module recycling promotion partnership and much much more.
Texas regulators have ruled that any renewable generation source connected to the state’s HVAC grid does not have to account for marginal losses, as the market turbulence it would cause isn’t worth the benefit, and it would go against the original spirit of the project.
The company built on its 2017 mark of installing 500 MW of new solar in the Carolinas by adding 565 MW in 2018, with even greater growth anticipated in the future.
The California Senator/presidential hopeful and the media mogul/former New York Mayor are the latest and some of the highest-profile individuals to back the climate-jobs-infrastructure-social safety net concept, of which 100% renewable energy might be the least ambitious component.
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