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United States

Quality and profit are not mutually exclusive

In this op-ed for pv magazine, Vivint Solar CEO David Bywater discusses the commitment needed by solar installers to think of quality and profits in an ‘and’ relationship, rather than an ‘or’ one.


Big ambitions, unclear details in O’Rourke climate plan

The dollars and dates in Democratic Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke’s new climate plan are ambitious. But much is not clear about what exactly is being referred to and how choices would be made between technologies.


Solar-powered hydrogen and dumplings: pvMB 4/30/19

Hello and welcome to this morning’s edition of the pvMB. Today we’ll be looking at Nexamp winning six community solar projects in Illinois, FTC Solar supplying 30 MW of trackers in Oregon, SFPUC’s clean power milestone and everything you need to take on today in the solar industry.

The solar efficiency revolution will be heterojunction

REC Group has announced the Q4’19 release of a 60-cell, 380 watt heterojunction silicon solar module. The panel is to be manufactured on a Meyer Burger production line developed with the REC Group, and clocks in with an estimated higher than 22.4% efficiency.


What does L.A.’s Green New Deal mean for solar and energy storage?

The wide-ranging plan riffs on the National Green New Deal with a West Coast take: ambitious plans to build local solar and energy storage, electrify buildings and transportation – and more.


Ball Corp. goes 100% renewable in the blink of an eye

Ball Corporation signed power contracts for 161 MW of wind and 227 MW of solar, which will effectively offset the company’s entire North American electricity demand by 2021.

The Solar Decathlon winner designs solar+lifestyle living space

Virginia students have won the 2019 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge with their treeHAUS highly sustainable solar+storage+trees+food waste+sound and so much more design, focused on expanding their local campus’ student housing resources.

Renewable energy will surpass coal in April & May

The volume of U.S. electricity generated by renewable energy is set to surpass that of coal for the first time in April and continue in May, according to U.S. Department of Energy data.


A big day for Massachusetts community solar, Generac acquires PIKA Energy: pvMB 4/29/19

Hello and thank you for starting your week with the pvMB. Today we’ll be checking out a PacifiCorp report that retiring 4 coal plants could save customers hundreds of millions, Renewable Envoy’s solar art installation, Yaskawa Solectria Solar achieving rapid shutdown and more, so buckle up!

Q-Cells unveils new half-cell monocrystalline panel

According to the Korean manufacturer, its Q.Peak Duo-G6 module is produced with larger wafers than those used in the G5. This is said to increase module yield by around 6% for a power output ranging from 355-420 W.


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