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Wind+solar developer sells pipeline to National Grid for more than $100 million

National Grid has purchased the wind and solar energy developer Geronimo Energy for “at least $100 million”, and is negotiating to buy a 51% stake in 378 MW the group has already developed.

100% zero-carbon energy policies advance in three states

Bills to move to 100% carbon-neutral electricity by 2030 and 2045 advanced in Washington and New Mexico, while Minnesota’s governor announced a plan to move his state to 100% zero-carbon by 2050.

Community solar drives Minnesota’s solar expansion

Nearly all of the solar installed in Minnesota last year was community solar, which enabled a 47% increase in the state’s installed capacity. And the best may be yet to come.

The Green New Deal is going to happen at the state, not federal level

While U.S. Senators Markey and AOC introduce a resolution for the Green New Deal, legislation has been introduced in six states to implement 80-100% clean energy by at least 2050.


Xcel gets in front of the 100% renewable energy movement

By setting a timeline for the inevitable decarbonization of its fleet, Xcel is moving to have an energy transition on its terms.

18 incoming Members of Congress back call for Green New Deal

The radical call for a rapid energy transition and jobs program now has the stated support of more than 4% of the U.S. Representatives who will take seats in January.

Capital Dynamics, Tenaska join booming Midwest solar market

The developer and asset manager have signed a deal to develop 2 GWac of solar projects in six Midwestern states – more than the entire capacity that is currently online in those states. But this appears to only the beginning for the region.

Overbuilding solar cheaper than seasonal storage and natural gas in Minnesota

An analysis by Clean Power Research, commissioned by the MN Solar Pathways Initiative, shows that 10% solar by 2025, and 70% wind+solar+storage in 2050 can be achieved at a comparable cost to natural gas-fired generation.


Pro-clean energy candidates for governor identified by AEE win 7 “open” elections

The new governors favor policies such as a higher renewables mandate, community solar, increased use of storage, and expanding the Western grid, reports the nonprofit Advanced Energy Economy.

Minnesota credit union solar loans will c u to green

Minnesota credit unions have launched a new program to offer solar power finance to their 1.7 million members. This program offers residential loans, and commercial PACE loans, funding up to 100% of the projects.

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