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Trump talks up Section 201 solar tariff

While attending a National Governors Association’s meeting President Trump claimed benefits of the Section 201 solar tariff, while disparaging Chinese product quality.

Getting ahead of the changes

Interview: Mary Powell, CEO at Vermont utility Green Mountain Power speaks with pv magazine about her unique strategy to bring clean energy and 21st century innovation by focusing on customer needs.

NextEra Energy Resources sues U.S. government for $127 million

A lawuit filed last week against the U.S. Treasury will attempt to recover money NextEra claims the government owes it under the Section 1603 grant program.

Battle of competing clean energy mandates in Arizona

While Commissioner Andy Tobin pushes his 80% “clean energy” by 2050 goal, an Arizona Public Service front group is attacking a Tom Steyer-backed ballot initiative for the state to push for 50% renewables by 2030.

Roth: Steel, aluminum tariffs to add at least 1-3 cents per watt to solar projects

While President Trump has a range of options, all likely scenarios seem likely to result in a modest increase in the cost of solar installations.

New York sanctions larger community solar projects

The Empire State’s Public Service Commission will now allow projects up to 5 MW to participate in the program, from 2 MW previously.


New Jersey solar RPS increase weds nuclear bailout bill in committee hearing

There WERE two bills pending in the New Jersey legislature. Now there is one – and it increases the state’s renewable portfolio standard and solar carve-out while also offering subsidies for nuclear plants.


Omaha, Nebraska, plans for community solar

The public utility in Nebraska’s largest city has presented the structure of a community solar program for its 352,000 customers in Omaha and surrounding counties.

Maine to dismantle net metering six weeks earlier than expected

Solar installers and advocates are stunned that they now only have three weeks to install systems for homeowners before their customers are hit with new, less generous net metering rules.

U.S. trade authorities provide details on exemptions to solar import tariffs

PV makers seeking exemptions to Section 201 duties must make them by March 16, but there is no guarantee that any will be granted.


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