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Markets & Policy

Colorado to go carbon-free

With the presumed signing of SB19-236 by Governor Polis, the state will begin the steps to becoming carbon free by 2030, which is likely followed closely by increased renewable development.

1100 GW new solar by 2035 in Inslee’s climate plan

Democratic Presidential Candidate Jay Inslee has called for 100% “clean, renewable and zero-emission” electricity by 2035. Solar could meet half that total if installed capacity increased at a compound annual growth rate of 19 percent.


Tesla’s Powerwall as the beating heart of your home

Vermont utility Green Mountain Power has started a program to replace its customers’ electric meters with the monitoring system in Tesla Powerwall batteries.


Energy Freedom bill moves forward, Spruce raises $208 million, stable solar pricing: pvMB 05/03/19

Happy Friday and welcome to the pvMB. Today we also bring you the Texas Senate passing a bill to prevent municipalities from interfering with citizens going solar, solar for schools in Minnesota, and more!


Tesla to get a $2+ billion cash injection through stock, bond offerings

The EV, energy storage and solar company is raising additional cash as it struggles to ramp Model 3 production and slashes prices on its solar offerings.

DTE finally kills net metering

After three years of proposals, rejections, inspections and neglect, the day has come: In DTE’s Michigan service area, retail rate net metering is scheduled to end in a week.


Texas collective is getting wind+solar+whatever you have for 3¢/kWh – or less

As part of the Texas’ State Energy Conservation Office procurement process, a group of public companies have received bids for wind and solar power for less than 3¢/kWh for 150 MW+ of load in 12-year power contracts.


How is Tesla selling residential solar for under $2/watt?

Elon Musk has delivered on his promise to slash prices for residential solar, and his company’s reduction of prices to as low as $1.75 per watt after the ITC are likely a result of the move to online sales.


A free solar future, drones patrolling the skies above solar farms: pvMB 5/2/19

Welcome, welcome to this Thursday’s pvMB. Today we’ll be checking out Suntuity’s free solar giveaway, Brooklyn Solar Canopies going south, sPower and Cypress Creek alleging project blocking by Consumers, the launch of the Atlas platform and all the rest of today’s ultra-important solar news.

Panasonic leaves U.S. solar development with Coronal sale

Danish offshore wind giant Ørsted has acquired Coronal Energy’s solar development business, in a move that strengthens one company’s presence in the U.S. utility-scale solar and storage market, and all but eliminates the other’s.

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