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Markets & Policy

From the editor: We’re with her

pv magazine USA is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. Frankly, this wasn’t a difficult choice.

Third Presidential Debate: Thank God it’s all finally over

The only saving grace of last night’s “Lunacy in Las Vegas” is that it was the final time we’ll have to watch both presidential candidates ignore climate change and solar’s role in stopping it.

Swinerton, D.E. Shaw complete the largest solar plant in the Midwest

Xcel Energy will buy power from the 100 MW-AC North Star Solar facility in Minnesota.

Florida Amendment 1 opponents condemn utility duplicity

Recording reveals a strategy to “destroy free-market energy” in the state using “deceptive” practices to fool voters, according to advocacy group Floridians for Solar Choice.

Stunning price falls could spark another gold rush for U.S. solar market

A Deutsche Bank report has predicted “sharp declines” in U.S. solar module and inverter prices that it says could drive payback periods down to less than five years and spark a “final ‘gold rush’” in the American residential, commercial and industrial markets, starting in 2017.

Panasonic Invests in Denver NEXT Smart City Developer

Panasonic has made a strategic investment in Rail Stop LLC, the development company creating the first phase of Peña Station NEXT in Denver, Colorado.

North Carolina struggles with the purpose of PURPA

Critics accuse Duke Energy of putting unnecessary interconnection barriers to undermine the five-decade old law that has spurred solar growth in the state.

California launches plan to align grid transformation efforts

Through the Distributed Energy Resources Action Plan, regulators will attempt to mold several disparate dockets and initiatives to meet long-term goals.

Could The Sun Set On Maine’s Solar Industry?

A hearing held in Hallowell, Maine, will accept testimony on proposed net-metering changes in the state.

IEA set to raise solar forecast

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is due to release its annual report in a couple of weeks, and the agency has said that it will be “significantly” raising its outlook for solar and wind installations, as more countries have been adopting climate change policies.

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