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Optimizers & Inverters

Enphase prepping commercial inverters and a small-scale, off-grid solar-plus-storage box

Enphase also showed off a 640-watt, two-module commercial inverter and a solar-plus-storage package for two solar modules at its analyst day.


Hardware brief: California battery discounts, Dr. Nick!, commercial rooftop bifacial data, more!

It’s beginning to look a like fourth quarter solar rush headache time…so relax, check out some solar gear and services! Silicon and module pricing is down a touch, SMA energy storage systems approved in California, and there’s also a Fronius & BYD hook up!


Sungrow hits 100 GW, moves at Standard Solar: pvMb 12/11/19

Hello and happy Hump Day to all of you wonderful readers. Today we have Solar FlexRack supplying a 105 MW project, Northwestern Energy simultaneously adding coal and promising to cut carbon and more!

All I want for Christmas is a solar power plus Enphase Ensemble battery backup

Enphase has released training materials and a pre-order page for its home energy storage product – the Ensemble. Here we review the hardware specs and the installation directions.


Hardware – energy storage – brief: Sunverge+LG, SMA+Dynapower, Cybertruck (Updated), more!

Since we got a lot of energy storage links this week, we decided to throw a whole bunch in at once! As well, we see that polysilicon modules are still edging downward in price, Green Rhino has a portable solar+storage system, the EIA showing that most energy storage installed in the USA is lithium ion, and a bit more!


Tell the kids, that 50% solar powered future of ours, it’s going to work just fine – NREL says so!

National Renewable Energy Lab researchers hourly modeled the whole of the United States, and when more than half of all electricity is coming from solar power, there would be no technical deal killers, but many spring days with free electricity that we would have to learn to use, and a need to financially recognize the predictability and grid stabilizing attributes of solar and storage.


Hardware Brief: 26.5¢/W modules, new silicon carbide inverters, dual axis tracker 4 year ROI, drones!!

Modules and inverters and trackers, oh my! PV InfoLink sees as low as 21¢/W modules on the spot market, Kaco has released a series of 1000V and 1500V inverters between 87 and 150 kW, Mechatron’s dual axis tracker took the place of a carport, and Drone Magnetic Survey Company has figured out that there’s a niche finding old wells and metal under solar fields!


Hardware brief: modules at 30¢/W, Enphase selling direct, solar+water, more!

It’s Friday, and Friday is the day you get to see new gear! Ideal Energy has put out a great white paper on a solar+storage demand charge management project, 8minute Solar Energy talks up their advanced solar power plant software partners, and Northern Reliability Company shows off the beautiful energy storage gear they assemble.


$1 billion, 1.5 GWac, scaling manufacturing, and 73% growth in Q3 for SolarEdge

The inverter manufacturer met expectations of growth, slowed down 4th quarter projections, talked of ramping Vietnamese and Hungarian facilities, and generally sounded healthy.

Hardware brief: Module pricing falling, Enphase at 450W, sexy solar panels get $3.2 million, more!

We were gone till November, now we’re here. The US Air Force is researching space based solar power, SimpliPhi has discounts on energy storage products for Californians, and ESS Inc has raised $30 million to help roboticize a 1 GWh/year capacity factory to build flow batteries in Oregon!


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