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Energy Management Systems

Jay Inslee, defender of Earth, TEP joins the Energy Imbalance Market: pvMB 5/9/19

Welcome one and all to today’s edition of the pvMB. Before you tackle today, we’ve got renewables coming to Montana, Illinois’ City Water, Light and Power giving coal the boot, the one week countdown until Solar Cup 2019 and more!


New York utility gives free hardware to solar and EV buyers

ConEdison is supplying the ConnectDER solution—which accepts solar and EV wiring directly at the electric meter—when customers install solar and electric vehicles. Installation of the device avoids costly electric panel upgrades.


Colorado to go carbon-free

With the presumed signing of SB19-236 by Governor Polis, the state will begin the steps to becoming carbon free by 2030, which is likely followed closely by increased renewable development.

A free solar future, drones patrolling the skies above solar farms: pvMB 5/2/19

Welcome, welcome to this Thursday’s pvMB. Today we’ll be checking out Suntuity’s free solar giveaway, Brooklyn Solar Canopies going south, sPower and Cypress Creek alleging project blocking by Consumers, the launch of the Atlas platform and all the rest of today’s ultra-important solar news.

The Solar Decathlon winner designs solar+lifestyle living space

Virginia students have won the 2019 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge with their treeHAUS highly sustainable solar+storage+trees+food waste+sound and so much more design, focused on expanding their local campus’ student housing resources.

A big day for Massachusetts community solar, Generac acquires PIKA Energy: pvMB 4/29/19

Hello and thank you for starting your week with the pvMB. Today we’ll be checking out a PacifiCorp report that retiring 4 coal plants could save customers hundreds of millions, Renewable Envoy’s solar art installation, Yaskawa Solectria Solar achieving rapid shutdown and more, so buckle up!

Energy storage’s increasingly investment grade status

SUSI Partners has purchased a 50% stake in Macquarie Capital’s 63 MW / 340 MWh distributed energy storage portfolio located in Southern California. Included as part of this purchase is the world’s largest virtual power plant.


pvMD 3/28/19: Community solar proposed for Duck Island, NJ, 6 MW of battery systems in Arkansas… and more!

Hello, and welcome to your Thursday pvMB. The weekend is almost here. Today we’ll be looking at BlueCross BlueShield installing 10,000 solar panels at its Chattanooga HQ, Hawaii’s solar trash cans, futuristic Dutch solar houseboats and everything else that matters today.


Solar+storage sited at C&I locations can be the backbone of the grid

An analysis by Station A shows a potential for siting 48 GW of solar plus 22 GW / 42 GWh of energy storage in California commercial and industrial locations, meeting 19% of the state grid operator’s legally binding “Resource Adequacy” requirements.

pvMB 2/5/19: No Solar Freedom in Virginia, Growatt achieves rapid shutdown… and more!

It’s Tuesday, but more importantly, it’s Tuesday morning which means it’s time for the pv magazine morning brief. Today we’ll be looking at a Michigan school adding solar curriculum, Sunworks constructing a 1.5 MW system at Kingston Technology’s HQ, the complaints over Georgetown University’s proposed solar project and everything else on our solar slate.

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