“A wide array of resources is needed” to meet growing electricity demand, including hundreds of gigawatts of solar and wind capacity that can be deployed quickly but would be reduced by half without tax credits, says a report prepared for ConservAmerica.
Owners of an eligible electric vehicle, or school districts that own eligible electric school buses, could receive one of 100 free bidirectional chargers plus compensation for participating. The state plans to prepare a V2X guidebook aimed at scaling the pilot program.
Faster interconnection of generating resources waiting in PJM’s queue, nearly all renewables, could have resulted in far lower capacity prices in PJM’s latest auction, but instead consumers will pay for PJM’s high capacity prices, says a study by Grid Strategies.
Solar-friendly policies that include demand flexibility, advanced conductors and virtual power plants, as well as lesser-known approaches, can help control the cost of electricity, says RMI.
A report highlights the increasing benefits of building energy efficiency codes, and maps the states that are adopting them. Building energy efficiency is a key element of a least-cost 100% renewables grid, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has found.
The World Resources Institute and the University of Chicago are creating new programs with the funding.
A team of researchers and industry participants predict a significant near-term energy contribution from enhanced geothermal projects, saying in a journal article that the technology could provide “stable baseload and potentially dispatchable electricity.”
Savings due to flexible demand could approach $3 billion per year by 2040.
Researchers recommended that transmission system operators consider adopting grid-forming battery energy storage systems system-wide to improve grid stability and to maximize system hosting capacity for solar and wind generation.
“Consider us the canary in the coal mine,” says a statement from Zero Emissions Northwest.
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