According to a third-party study, the projected output over the 40-year warranty period of Maxeon solar panels exceeds the energy demand of manufacturing them by over 100-fold. Plus, more details from the Maxeon 2021 sustainability report.
Enel X Way is a new global electric vehicle charging business launched by Enel, a multinational distributor of electricity and gas.
Energy job growth outpaced the greater job market in 2021, and jobs in the solar industry grew by 5.4%, the most among technologies.
Qualified customers are offered a solar installation for free. The pilot also offers cost assistance for moderate-income households.
Jupiter Power’s 200 MW, one-hour storage facility will support the buildout of renewables and grid reliability on the Texas ERCOT grid.
General Electric is partnering with national laboratories and universities on two projects; one to design behind-the-meter energy storage and another to enhance utility visibility of behind the meter solar generation.
Wood Mackenzie boosted its utility-scale solar deployment forecast following the executive branch two-year pause on antidumping tariffs, but the uncertainty caused a latent effect on the industry. Plus, other uncertainties persist.
Generate Capital provided the developer strategic growth capital and asset financing to expand its business.
A groundbreaking rule by the California Public Utilities Commission will streamline the interconnection process for distributed energy resources.
A 195.5 MW solar, 40MW/80MWh energy storage project developed by RWE Renewables has reached commercial operations.
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