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Illinois electric utility publishes online map of potential solar capacity

ComEd, Illinois subsidiary of Exelon, posts a Hosting Capacity Map showing solar potential based on infrastructure capabilities on a local basis.

Illinois Democratic sweep may augur even better solar support

Upon ousting a Republican incumbent governor, winning all state-wide offices and increasing their majorities in the General Assembly, Illinois Democrats are expected to keep solar progress going.


Illinois tightens details of solar valuation, regulates projects on farms

Illinois legislation concerning commercial solar valuation and installations on agricultural land has been signed into law by the governor.

Illinois solar program continues to develop, solar job numbers begin to grow

The Illinois Power Agency has added more administrative components to its website, while job training continues and hiring picks up.

Rural electric cooperatives are becoming a gigawatt PV market

A report issued by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association shows rapid PV growth in less than a decade in co-ops.

Illinois SREC administrator approved, community solar gathers steam

The Illinois Commerce Commission has approved a program administrator for its adjustable block grant program under the Future Energy Jobs Act, while the state’s community solar market gathers momentum

Illinois REC prices published for distributed generation, community solar

The Illinois Power Agency published its renewable energy credit prices for upcoming auctions for the Adjustable Block and Illinois Solar For All programs.


Distributed energy, with fewer wires

A SEIA white paper describes the concept of non-wire solutions and how this innovation can boost solar PV and other distributed energy resources.

Solar and wind can safely replace coal in Southern Illinois

A study sponsored by NRDC and Sierra Club finds that old coal plants can be retired and safely replaced by solar and other resources, which will reduce pollution and save money for utility customers

Florida munis sign contracts with 223 MW of solar power

The Florida Municipal Power Agency has agreed to buy the output from 223.5 MW of projects located in Central Florida, which are scheduled to be online in 2020.