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Breaking: PanelClaw acquired by Esdec in a consolidating solar racking market

The solar racking market has quiet revenues of billions of dollars and continues to consolidate — driven by equity firms such as Esdec and Tenex. The market segment has become a small hotbed of M&A.


Twitter predicts the US Department of Energy Secretary in a Joe Biden administration

If Biden wins and if Twitter is accurate, the next DOE secretary will be…

Morning Brief: Community solar as energy reparations, LIPA could replace more than half of its aging peaker plants with energy storage

Also in the brief: Germany had a strong solar September, solar siting in Maryland generates friction, threatening climate goals.

SolarEdge boosted by record solar revenues in Europe and strong residential growth

Despite the pandemic, residential solar growth continues. Commercial solar, always the problem child, is having trouble coping with the virus.

Dominion announces 500 MW of solar project proposals in Virginia

As part of the company’s recent Integrated Resource Plan — which looks to add 16 GW of solar by 2035, Dominion has submitted to state regulators a nine-project proposal that will bring nearly 500 MW of solar to the state.

Job moves at RWE Renewables, Pine Gate, Eos, Summit Ridge Energy, Standard Solar, Sonnedix and more

Executive jobs and job moves in solar, storage, cleantech, utilities and energy transition finance.

Norway’s Statkraft to buy UK’s Solarcentury in latest solar-hydropower blend

The Norwegian hydropower business wants to pay $152 milllion for the London-based clean energy developer which claims to have brought to life 1.2 GWp of project capacity in seven countries since 2013.

Morning Brief: Fight over the value of solar continues in Utah, Kansas, Virginia and everywhere

Kansas’ largest utility Evergy wants to charge PV panel users — or everyone, plus Dominion fighting community solar, Utah PSC decides to lower export rate.


The drama and intrigue of a long-duration storage bill in California

What appears to be an innocuous and neutral bill to promote gigawatts of long-duration energy storage in California is alleged to be a Trojan horse for Florida utility NextEra’s pumped hydro plans. And while that long-duration energy storage drama plays out, load serving entities are not waiting for state regulators — they are starting to procure 8-hour storage on their own.


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