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United States

Big solar coming (back) to Montana, banks feeling the heat over alleged DC Solar ponzi scheme: pvMB 4/18/19

Welcome to pv magazine USA’s morning brief. Today we bring you SunGrow’s new energy storage system, potential changes to the prime farmland rule in North Dakota, and PosiGen raising $20 million to deploy low- and middle-income solar.


A loan for your PV system & your new roof too

Mosaic has unveiled a more versatile loan product with a variety of innovations, including allowing households to qualify on the basis of total income, as well as an option for full amortization at the inception of the loan.


It’s all about the efficiency

An analysis by mono PV maker LONGi shows the math on how increases in module efficiencies drive down balance of system costs.


50% renewable energy mandate passes Nevada Senate

SB 358 would require utilities to source 50% of their electricity from renewable energy by 2030, and set a goal for the state to generate enough electricity with zero-carbon sources to meet its own demand by 2050.

Sunrun’s fancy new HQ, Hawaii’s precious GEM$: pvMB 4/17/19

Welcome, welcome, welcome to today’s edition of the pvMB. Today we’ll be looking at Lumidyne’s new DER integration tool, Carrie Zalewski’s Illinois Commerce Commission chair appointment and more!

Duke is going to get a lot more solar

In the largest single-day announcement to date, Duke Energy has announced 14 projects to be built across the Carolinas, totaling 602 MW in capacity.


Solar homes sell for more

A new report published by Zillow found that homes with residential solar systems sell for 4.1% more than their non-solar counterparts.


Spotsylvania solar fully approved, Cypress Creek teams up with Starbucks: pvMB 4/16/19

Good morning! In today’s pvMB we also bring you Enphase’s upgrade program hitting 2,500 users, the mayor of South Miami going off-grid, and more!

Idaho Power tries to shut down net metering (again)

The utility is dredging up the trope of the cost shift as it plans for 100% “clean” electricity – on its terms.

Elizabeth Warren calls for 10x increase of renewable generation on public lands, waters

The U.S. senator and presidential candidate announced the plans for a targeted expansion of renewable energy development on public lands along with a moratorium on new fossil fuel leases and other measures.


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