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United States

Solar and Tesla shine amid weak Q1 for clean energy investment

BNEF cites financing for a massive solar plant in Mexico and Tesla’s billion-plus capital raise as running counter to the trend of falling clean energy financing during Q1. Investments in distributed solar also rose.

Chicago and Portland, Oregon move towards 100% renewable energy

The two cities are the latest in significant momentum for 100% renewable energy campaigns

Suniva violated WARN Act provisions in layoffs, employees say

In the latest news for the troubled cell and module maker, former employees have filed a class-action suit alleging the company violated provisions of the federal WARN Act by laying off employees in Michigan and Georgia without notice.

GUEST ANALYSIS: Getting the Price Right for Local Wind and Solar

This article originally posted at For timely updates, follow John Farrell or Karlee Weinmann on Twitter or get the Energy Democracy weekly update.

News Analysis: Installations crater in Hawaii after incentives gutted

In 2015, Hawaii’s Public Utilities Commission eliminated the state’s net-metering incentive. Since then, the number of permits pulled on Oahu for solar installations has plummeted, reaching a new low in 2017 of only 449.


SolarWorld wants issue of China trade practices raised during Trump-Xi talks

One of the pillars of Donald Trump’s election campaign was his pledge to protect the U.S. manufacturers from unfair competition. While it is still unclear whether he will follow through with his threats to increase import taxes on Chinese goods, SolarWorld took the opportunity of the historic meeting between President Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to harangue China’s solar manufacturers and called for the issue of solar dumping to be raised.

Air Force working on 1-hour microgrid installation

As is often the case, the military is leading the way in energy innovation, creating a self-contained power source designed to be deployed

The Solar Foundation’s new site matches solar jobs and job seekers

The foundation’s new website,, is designed to be a clearinghouse where people can find jobs in the rapidly growing solar sector.

Coal may still be king, but solar is where the power is (with video)

Dear Ms. Morissette: THIS is how you do irony. The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham, Kentucky, flipped the switch yesterday on solar array in an attempt to save money and preserve the history of coal country.

Maryland pilot program would add 200 MW of community solar

The application process for new community solar projects begins on Monday and will run through May 5.

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