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Grids & Integration

“Skinny Budget” nukes renewable energy research

President Trump’s Department of Energy hit list includes advanced energy research, loan guarantees and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Kaua’i to meet 1/4 of power needs with solar thanks to Tesla system (with video)

The island is a view into what a future with high penetrations of renewable energy will look like.

Solar reached 1.4% of U.S. electricity in 2016

The latest figures from the U.S. Department of Energy show that all renewables together made up 15.3% of generation.


100% by 2045 renewable energy bill introduced in California

The leader of the California Senate has introduced a bill that would put the state tied with Hawaii for the most aggressive renewable energy mandate in the nation, and one of the most aggressive in the world.

ABB to provide microgrid solution to Alaska community

The Swiss technology company will provide a microgrid combining battery and flywheel storage technologies to improve energy stability for around 300,000 people near Anchorage, Alaska.

Changing solar PPAs could turn curtailed power into dispatchable resources

Can solar be moved from a must-take contract to a dispatchable resource – and provide grid services as well? Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) has a look at how this could work.

pv magazine Exclusive: A conversation with Charlie Gay

The man chosen to lead the SunShot Initiative at the Department of Energy talked with our own Frank Andorka about the $30 million in grants SunShot awarded, future funding opportunities and why he’s more excited than ever about the future of solar energy in the United States.

AES claims world’s largest battery storage system

The 30 MW lithium ion battery system is the third massive system reported in Southern California this week, totaling 77.5 MW of capacity.

Tesla inaugurates 20 MW / 80 MWh battery system in Southern California

This is one of three massive systems which SCE has contracted to meet peak demand following its Aliso Canyon gas leak, as a new test for the abilities of energy storage.

Berkeley Lab finds negligible potential rate impacts from distributed solar

The latest report from the respected national lab finds that even if – big if – behind-the-meter solar is raising the rates of other utility customers, the impacts are tiny, especially compared to other activities.


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