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From the editor: For Trump and solar, don’t borrow trouble

There are many uncertainties about what a Trump Administration will bring. But the impacts on solar may be less than many fear.

GTM Research: Global solar demand to contract 7% next year before sustained growth

The company’s report predicts that next year’s lull in solar demand to be less steep than originally feared, with compound annual growth rate of 9% to return in 2018 through 2021.

Nexamp grows community solar in Massachusetts

The developer and EPC has completed 5 MW-DC of community solar in the last week, and will have nearly 35 MW built by the end of 2016.

NARUC approves final DER rate-design manual

Under consideration for more than a year, the final suggestions by the national regulators group offers suggestions and guidance on solar rate design

BLM codifies new solar leasing rules

After five years of careful consideration, the government agency announced new rules governing the leasing of public lands for renewable energy projects

Bill for massive coal, nuclear bailout, residential demand charges introduced in Illinois

SB2814 would introduce demand charges for residential customers, and could drown out new renewables in the state.


Going out in a blaze: DOE announces clean energy financing & projects

In the face of likely Trump Administration assaults on clean energy, the outgoing Obama Administration is firing all guns to support renewable energy and innovation projects.

What is Trump going to do with solar?

Solar advocates across the country are desperately reading tea leaves to figure out what the president-elect will do with solar — and no one really knows

Dear solar communicators: Under Trump, our work is more important than ever

He, Congress, and state and local officials must realize that voters want energy independence and energy security as well as more clean energy, clean air and more good-paying jobs.

Nevada takes first step to break NV Energy monopoly

On Tuesday, Nevadans passed a constitutional amendment that could shatter the state’s biggest monopoly’s stranglehold on electricity production in the state as soon as 2018

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