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Markets & Policy

Spruce Finance may be headed to a sale

The distributed solar and energy efficiency finance provider has neither confirmed nor denied that Goldman Sachs’ involvement involves a potential sale of the company.

OneRoof kicks CEO to curb as it settles arbitration case

To close a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad quarter, the troubled company saw its CEO resign, came to an agreement with a creditor and finally got around to paying (part of) its rent.

Microsoft to bypass PSE, buy renewables on the wholesale market in Washington

The tech giant has agreed to pay $24 million to the utility for the pleasure of circumventing its role.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry wants to know if solar is eroding the electricity supply

On Friday, the former fossil-fuel favoring governor ordered a study to see whether solar and wind development is making the electricity grid less stable.


Albuquerque to install over $25 million worth of solar on city buildings

The announcement builds on Albuquerque’s commitment to get 25% of its energy from solar by 2025.

Real estate constraints, finance are key problems for rooftop solar in Washington D.C.

A new report finds that the nation’s capital has the ability to host up to 2.5 GW of rooftop solar potential and looks at ways to reach that potential.

Solar Frontier sells 40 MW California solar plant to Dominion

The U.S. development unit of the Japanese CIS thin-film manufacturer has completed the sale of the 40 MW-DC Midway II project in California.

Salt Lake City joins cascade of cities committing to 100% renewables

The dominoes are starting to fall solar’s way, as the Utah capital committed to producing all of its electricity from renewable sources in 15 years, joining an ever-growing group of cities who have already done so.

GTM Research: Global solar market to grow 9% in 2017

Increasing demand for solar power in China has prompted analysts to boost their 2017 estimates, forecasting an increase of more than 9% this year, with the annual global market reaching 85 GW.

20 MW of “grid-supply” solar capacity becomes available in Hawaii

HECO has identified space for 2,800 rooftop PV systems under a previously closed program that allows customers to export to the grid.

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