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Markets & Policy

Report: Trump says he’ll announce solar tariff decision “soon”

In an interview with Reuters, the president slammed what he referred to as the dumping of inexpensive modules on the U.S. market.

Hawaii legislature considers income tax credit for energy storage

For the third straight year, Hawaiian state legislators are trying to provide tax incentives for residents who install energy storage systems.

California sets rules for multiple uses of energy storage

A ruling by CPUC opens the door for “stacking” the services that batteries and other forms of energy storage can provide.

BNEF releases 2018 clean energy predictions

BNEF has released its top 10 clean energy predictions for 2018, including at least 107 GW of solar PV installs. China will lead, but Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East will notably up the ante. India will install less RE than in 2017, but will see fossils outpace RE for the last time; and China will see distributed grid connected solar leading the market. Li-ion prices are also declining, while EV sales grow.

SEIA attempts to get ahead of locational value

A new white paper by the solar trade group proposed principles to guide the compensation for locational value of energy.

On his way out, Chris Christie sticks it to solar in New Jersey

The now former governor of New Jersey snuck out of the office Tuesday with Senate Bill 2276 tucked in his pocket, meaning the state’s renewable portfolio standard will remain at levels the state’s solar industry says could result in a market crash and job losses.

SMA reaches 10 GW of installed Sunny Central inverters in North America

The German inverter maker claims a 25% market share in the utility-scale marketplace.

China pushes global clean energy investment to $333 billion in 2017

BNEF has found that U.S. investment levels fell 1% year-over-year, with the Section 201 case hanging over the head of the industry.

Advocates to Michigan regulators: What about renewable alternatives?

As Detroit-based DTE Energy considers building a billion-dollar gas plant, solar and wind champions are asking regulators to demand they consider renewable alternatives before approving the construction.

Shell to acquire 44% stake in solar developer Silicon Ranch

The pioneering Southern solar developer will now be backed by Europe’s largest oil and gas company.

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