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The solar coaster: pv magazine USA’s 2016 year in review

With massive market growth, the bankruptcy of SunEdison and the election of a pro-coal climate denier as president, 2016 really was the best and the worst of times.

New Jersey solar market slows down in H2 2016

After installing 198 MW in the first six months of the year, New Jersey’s solar market appears to have declined substantially in the final months of 2016.


HECO’s five-year plans accommodate more solar than ever

The aggressive goals filed last week builds on an April plan include expanded rooftop solar growth and additional utility-scale solar expansion. If HECO’s projections are accurate, it will be generating 100% its electricity from renewable sources five years earlier than originally planned.

FPL to put online Florida’s first large utility-scale solar plants

Three solar projects at 74.5 MW-AC each will replace a 250 MW coal-fired power plant which the utility plans to shut down.

Nevada regulators reinstate net metering for Sierra Pacific

In contrast to phony allegations of a cost shift, Public Utilities Commission of Nevada found that net metered-solar is saving other customers money.


TerraForm Global warns of danger ahead in 2015 filing

The yieldco’s overdue filing of its 2015 financial report is a step towards compliance with NASDAQ trading rules; however TerraForm Global’s losses exceeded its revenue in 2015 and the company has warned that it may not be able to continue.

sPower puts 60 MW of solar PV online for Palo Alto’s municipal utility

The completion of two projects comes in the middle of a flurry of activity for the Utah-based developer.

Maine regulators delay decision on net metering

The state hit a trigger level which allowed regulators to modify net metering, but now they are delaying making changes to shut the program down.

8minutenergy & D.E. Shaw put 155 MW-AC solar project online at under $59/MWh

This is one of the lower PPAs reported for solar projects in service in the United States; however PPAs are now being signed for much lower prices.

Panasonic to supply PV modules to Tesla from Japan, Malaysia

The collaboration between the two companies is moving beyond Panasonic running the Tesla/SolarCity gigafactory, and will enable Panasonic to re-open a factory in Japan.


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