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Here’s what Biden’s infrastructure bill offers solar and cleantech

The $2 trillion package includes a proposed 10-year extension of the ITC and PTC and calls for further incentives to add transmission capacity. Most solar advocates liked it, but one nonprofit panned it as being too industry-friendly.


Vote Solar begins work in Pennsylvania, pushes for greater renewable commitment

March is turning into one of the busiest months ever for solar in Pennsylvania, at least legislation-wise. The latest bill would lift the state’s renewable energy goal from 8% by 2026 to 18%, with a 5.5% solar carveout.


Senate bill would give clean energy companies direct access to tax credits

The bill aims to thaw frozen tax-equity markets and help the solar and clean energy sectors recover from the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Arkansas legislators consider bill to slash solar net metering value

House Bill 1787 would change the state’s net metering so that solar customers would lose roughly two-thirds of their current benefit.

Bill would hold Rhode Island government accountable for net-zero emissions by 2050

The 2021 Act on Climate has passed in both chambers of the state legislature, with only reconciliation of the two versions standing between it and Gov. Dan McKee.

10 energy bills to watch in the 2021 state legislative session

From Hawaii banning fossil fuels to Kentucky outlawing floating solar PV, these 10 energy bills are worth watching in 2021


Maryland county approves measure allowing community solar

Community solar installations up to 2 MW may be developed on business- and residential-zoned land, with work yet to be done to open farmland to development.

Ohio bills would open solar project applications to a popular vote

The bills would allow local elected officials to require a vote on projects set to be developed within a township.

New Mexico bill would set up a statewide community solar program

SB 84 would establish a 100 MW community solar program and also include a 30% annual capacity carve-out for low-income customers and related service organizations.

Duke solar plan challenged in Florida

Arguing that Duke’s Clean Energy Connections program will unfairly shift costs onto smaller customers, a group is challenging the program designed to add roughly 750 MW of utility-scale solar.


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