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Schletter Inc. files for chapter 11 bankruptcy

The solar mounting systems maker’s U.S. division has filed for bankruptcy, one month after the German parent company filed for insolvency.


SQN to sell off Suniva’s cell tools

Tools that Suniva used to manufacture solar cells will now be sold off, limiting the possibility for the company to re-emerge as a cell maker.

Coal bankruptcy burns 8Point3 on 20 MW solar power contract

FirstEnergy Solution Corp’s recent bankruptcy filing has put a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) with an annual value of $8 million, and a non-cash book value of $40-48 million at risk.

Flow battery maker ViZn Energy closes shop

ViZn has laid off all of its employees and ceased operations, as the latest in a series of closures and bankruptcies for makers of alternative battery technologies.


Former Level Solar CEO calls for liquidation

Former Level Solar CEO Richard Keiser has filed a motion for the company’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy to be converted to a Chapter 7 liquidation, in a web of accusations and counter-accusations.

Level Solar employees sue over WARN Act violations

Employees of the now-defunct New York solar installer say the company terminated them without the 90 days notice required by New York law.


SunEdison emerges from bankruptcy as Brookfield closes on TerraForm Global

The long and tragic collapse of SunEdison has finally come to an end, and Brookfield now owns both of its former yeildcos.


ET Solar describes “reorganization” of its U.S. module sales business

The Chinese PV maker and developer has made a statement regarding the bankruptcy of U.S. subsidiary ET Solar Inc.

ET Solar Inc. files for bankruptcy

A U.S. module sales subsidiary of the Chinese PV module maker and developer has quietly filed for bankruptcy. Details are sparse, but the company’s U.S. project development and construction subsidiary has not been affected.

Phoenix Solar to file for insolvency in Germany

The construction contractor will start insolvency proceedings at the district court in Munich next week.

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