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Commercial & Industrial PV

Nevada governor to sign net metering revival bill tomorrow

Governor Sandoval’s signing of the bill in Las Vegas will put an end to a year and a half of market interruption after regulators he appointed abruptly scrapped the policy.


California’s residential, commercial markets show slight rebound in May (full report here)

OhmHome’s May Solar Index report shows solar permits in the Golden State rose 12% from April, with Arizona close behind with 10% growth.

Firms put skin in the game to back architectural solar innovations for up to 30 years

The partners said they launched the fund to encourage innovative uses of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) in commercial projects.

Utility-scale solar falls below $1 per watt (w/ charts)

A Q1 report by GTM Research and SEIA found PV system price declines across all sectors, following collapses in component pricing. Fixed-tilt utility-scale systems broke the $1 per watt barrier for the first time during the quarter.

Keystone Power Holdings launches $35 million solar fund

Keystone Power Holdings LLC has established a solar investment fund, KPH Solar Farms Fund I, to finance small-scale solar projects.

American Solar Direct swerves into chapter 7 bankruptcy

The California solar installer will likely be liquidated, after its liabilities mushroomed to at least 200 times its assets.


Edisun Microgrids predicts 3 MW of tracker deployment in 2017

Edisun Microgrids, which launched its innovative dual-axis flat-roof commercial tracker last year, expects to deploy more than 3 MW of its rooftop tracker PV Booster in 2017, according to company CEO Bill Gross.

Massachusetts incentive program for residential and commercial PV

This article has been pulled due to inaccuracies. An emergency regulation for the SMART program was filed by the DOER on June 5. Through the new program will come into force in 2018, but the final form of the program has not yet been released. In the interim the SREC-2 program is still active. We […]

Gov. Sandoval inks regulations for Nevada solar revival

Governor Brian Sandoval signed Senate Bill 145 and several other bills late last week that will help re-establish a thriving solar industry — and encourage other renewables efforts in the state — after two years of regulatory repression.


Op-Ed: California Agencies Hold En Banc on Retail and Customer Electricity Choice

By the end of this year, as much as 25% of the retail load served by the investor-owned utilities (IOU) will obtain their electric generation service from an entity other than an IOU. California held a meeting to address the changing face of electricity generation.

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