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Comment period opens for 1 GW of solar + storage in the California desert

The Bureau of Land Management reviewed the projects’ potential environmental impacts, but issues may arise as the public comment period opens.

Solar highlights in the Senate’s $3.5 trillion budget proposal

The budget bill aims to fight climate change with investments in clean electricity and home electrification, to be funded by higher taxes on corporations.


You’ve got $30 billion to spend and a climate crisis. Nuclear or solar?

Research suggests we can power 80% of the U.S. with wind, solar, and 12 hours of energy storage, but being able to replace a nuclear power plant hasn’t been financially viable. Is that about to change?


Solar 101: Go solar, but go with your eyes open

Solar is uniquely virtuous among energy industries. But like all industries, consumers need to pay close attention to protect themselves.

NextEra earnings call points to unprecedented growth as industry tailwinds strengthen

The energy company has already met 75% of its low-end expectations for 2024, with 3+ years to go. Add in multiple potential industry tailwinds and a picture of unprecedented growth may be emerging.

Solar 101: How to calculate your solar system’s payback period

The simplest way to model the payback period is to divide the project’s costs by its expected annual production number. That’s a good start, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.


Tesla Powerwalls in California join the movement to create virtual power plants

Made up of distributed residential energy storage, these “plants” stabilize the grid and often end the need for new fossil generation. Tesla customers in California are the latest to join the movement.


Solar 101: How to pay for your rooftop solar investment

The out-of-pocket cost for a solar power system can be pretty high. We take a look at bank loans, on-the-spot finance, third-party ownership, and the benefits of using cold, hard cash.

California breaks 1 GW energy storage milestone (and looks to a ‘future’ 1.21 GW moment)

Energy storage is making its presence known on California’s electricity grid as projected shortfalls widen and deepen in the coming years. (Dr. Emmett Brown just might be impressed.)

Solar 101: Tips for keeping your rooftop solar system humming over the long term

Solar O&M comes down to mechanical rooftop connections, electrical solar panel connections, panel and connection temperatures, and inverters. Here are four possible plans of attack.


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