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Solving the challenges of a growing EV industry

The U.S. Department of Energy announced funding for 17 battery recycling projects and also announces the launch of Battery Workforce Initiative to train tomorrow’s workers.

The fate of the solar industry hinges on better data gathering and predictions

Advancements in remote measurement can help solar companies to bypass inefficient and error-prone site visits to measure and record roof dimensions, azimuth, pitch, and localized shading at a given site in a more consistent and repeatable manner

The great untapped potential in non-residential rooftop solar for LMI residents

The team used satellite imagery and AI to track unused rooftops with good solar potential, and found that it would bring reduced energy costs to residents.

Clean Energy Connector pilot launches in Illinois, New Mexico and Washington D.C.

The software tool is designed to connect eligible households to community solar projects through the Department of Health and Human Services’ HHS’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

Solar and storage to replace the last coal plants in New England

With the planned retirement of Merrimack Station in Bow, N.H. and Schiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H., New England will become coal-free.

Solar panel production is struggling to stay clear of forced labor

As necessary materials from outside China remain scarce, producers struggle to meet UFLPA compliance.

Solar industry calls for domestic content revisions to support U.S. manufacturing

With stronger support for the early stages of the process, U.S. module manufacturers would be less dependent on imports from Chinese-owned companies for these materials, according to a recent report from the Solar Energy Manufacturers for America Coalition.


DOE awards $5 million for clean energy workforce development through minority-supporting institutions

The funding will go to Tennessee State and University of Texas, El Paso, to help train students in the skills needed to succeed in solar and other clean energy careers.

Suniva and Heliene partner to produce all U.S.-made solar modules

Under a three-year sourcing contract, Suniva will supply domestically manufactured solar cells to Heliene for incorporation into its solar modules.

Community solar group challenges assertions by CPUC

Stating that the California Public Utilities Commission “embraces a myopic view”, CCSA comments characterize the CPUC proposed decision as misguided and misinformed, and determined it will not result in the development of community solar projects as envisioned by the legislature with the enactment of AB 2316.

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