On this page you will find information about pv magazine’s webinars in cooperation with Solar Solutions PV GmbH, official supplier of solar modules AEG. All webinars are free for the participants.
With our partner companies we organize and host webinars on different PV topics. pv magazine aims to provide an impartial platform for professional discussions, and our webinars are not designed for advertisement. We are open for all market players. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Please get in touch at:
Past webinars
Wednesday May 18 at 3pm (CET)
pv magazine and Solar Solutions PV host: Forget about old-school monitoring: Re-inventing O&M
pv magazine webinar in cooperation with Solar Solutions PV: Monitoring alone is not enough. Data and analysis down to the module level can provide the granular information required to detect and locate hotspots, soiling, PID and more.
The inventer of the technology and approach describes it as a “revolution to solar O&M.”
For a sneak peek at how O&M is being reinvented, check out our recent background article – the perfect preparation for tomorrow’s fascinating webinar.
Find here the presentation being held during the webinar.
Find here the scientific paper on the technology.
In order to include more of the questions raised during the webinar on 18.5, we have prepared this video covering both the webinar topics as further insight into the issues debated during the webinar as raised by our audience.
Solar Solutions PV discuss some points of interest ahead of the webinar
What are the limits of monitoring today? What are the most damaging faults in PV plants? How can they be detected?
A PV plant is a black box. And when it is knocked out, you need to know precisely where to look in order to avoid major economic losses. PID, failing bypass diodes, disconnected strings… all have a specific “signature” that can make them recognizable. But not by usual monitoring technologies (limits of inverter / array monitoring).
How are those data collected?
This is where the potential of module-level monitoring comes into play, such as IMM technology and sensor integrated in the junction box.
What data can be included to a performance ratio to deliver deeper insights?
The importance is to measure the exact temperature for providing precise PR. The usage of the flashed data of each module within bottom-up simulations, which helps make sense of the data.
Deliver and act on big PV data
Harmonizing the information from different databases (inside the PV system/components and modules; outside the PV system – e.g. irradiation; O&M survey data) for providing a picture of the health status of the PV plant, allowing for planning of tailored O&M interventions.
Costs and payoffs, including the financial model for re-imagined PV monitoring.
How can the investor access the IMM solution?
This page was last updated on July 2, 2016.