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Wood Mackenzie

The U.S. installed more microgrids in 2019 than ever before

While then vast majority of microgrid projects are still for distributed fossil generation, the share of renewable microgrids is rising, driven by high-volume adopters, like The Red Cross.

PV module prices are falling faster than all predictions

New research from Wood Mackenzie shows that overall system costs for installations using mono PERC modules are set to fall by as much as 20% by 2025.


US behind-the-meter storage forecast drops 31% over Corona concerns

Wood Mackenzie has dropped the 2020 outlook down to 430 MW, still a more than 100% increase over 2019, amid concerns over the role of sales and commissioning and interconnection in a period of shelter-in-place ordinances.

The futurology of solar power: robots, hackers, 5G, cheaper modules, repowering, and really cheap electricity

Module efficiencies will continue to increase, while the price of an individual module will stay the same. Not only will this hardware produce more power, it’ll work far longer — with predictions of 30-year module warranties, roughly the projected lifetime of gas assets.


SEIA calls for “radical market transformation”

The largest solar trade show in the Western Hemisphere opened last night with a political program by SEIA to push what it describes as radical market transformation, and an alliance with wind. But there are questions about what ambitious means, and what can be achieved.


The solar wave rises

Wood Mackenzie and SEIA report that a record 37.9 GWdc of utility-scale solar was under contract at the end of Q2 – the largest volume ever recorded – with 8.7 GWdc of that under construction. However, installation levels were down slightly year-over-year.


Residential energy storage broke records in Q2

More residential storage went on-line in Q2 2019 than ever before, helping to soften the blow of a quarter that just didn’t compare in the face of the previous one.


Solar to overtake wind in corporate renewable procurement

A new report by Wood Mackenzie and the American Wind Energy Association shows solar taking the favor of corporate renewable buyers in 2021 and holding that crown to infinity and beyond.

Car industry copper demand to surge 250% due to EVs

By considering use of the metal in charging infrastructure, analyst Wood Mackenzie has found higher demand from the mobility sector than is the case if only the volume of the material required for vehicle construction is examined.

Is the cost of cutting carbon too steep?

Wood Mackenzie has released a report entitled “Deep decarbonization requires deep pockets” estimating that it would cost $4.5 trillion to fully decarbonize the U.S. power grid by 2030, but is the avoided cost greater than the upfront?


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