Welcome one and all to the Thursday edition of the pvMB. Today we’ll be looking at NEXTracker’s new president, REC joining SEIA’s board of directors, more staffing changes at Cypress Creek, and more. Let’s jump right in!
Plans for a 531 MW / 2125 MWh battery system are buried in the BLM’s assessment of the 690 MWac Gemini Solar project.
Hello and thank you for starting your week with the pvMB. Today we’ll be checking out a PacifiCorp report that retiring 4 coal plants could save customers hundreds of millions, Renewable Envoy’s solar art installation, Yaskawa Solectria Solar achieving rapid shutdown and more, so buckle up!
Good morning and welcome to the pvMB. Today we also bring you LG Business Solutions’ new VP of marketing, FERC Chair Chatterjee’s new chief of staff, and Bed Bath and Beyond solar.
SB 358 would require utilities to source 50% of their electricity from renewable energy by 2030, and set a goal for the state to generate enough electricity with zero-carbon sources to meet its own demand by 2050.
In a legislative case of “I want it and I want it now,” Nevada Senator Chris Brooks has introduced a bill which would raise the state’s renewable energy mandate to 50% by 2030.
A new report by Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) shows energy storage jobs growing 14% and EV jobs growing 16%, despite China’s dominance in lithium-ion battery technology.
Contractors in California, Arizona and Texas built almost 90% of this capacity. Policy groups in the 10 states aim for fair rates for solar customers, plus community solar. “Snapshot stories” included.
Solar output grew 25% and met 2.4% of all U.S. electric demand last year. But despite dramatic gains in emerging markets, only California, Nevada and Hawaii are meeting more than 10% of demand with in-state solar.
Hello and thank you for starting your Monday with the pv magazine morning brief. Today we’ll be looking at Solarize Philly’s third round of request for proposals, a proposed energy storage grant fund in Utah, the symbiosis between farmers and large-scale solar and everything else you need to take on this week in the solar industry.
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