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New model to identify optimal power sizing ratio for solar inverters

Researchers in Malaysia have proposed a new approach to identify the optimal power sizing ratio to balance PV energy capture with inverter costs. The calibrated model is said to accurately reflect the relationship between inverter efficiency and real-world system behavior.

Petition filed to enforce antidumping tariffs on solar imports

A coalition of U.S. solar manufacturers submitted a request for investigation of alleged dumping of Chinese goods in four Southeastern Asian nations responsible for roughly 80% of U.S. solar panel supply.

New solar antidumping tariffs are on the way, said Roth

The solar industry experienced project delays and cancellations when antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) tariff enforcement threatened supply in the past. Another round may be on the way as soon as this April, said a note from Roth Capital Partners.


Auxin Solar files lawsuit against U.S. government for Biden solar tariff pause

The small solar panel manufacturer filed suit against the U.S. Department of Commerce and Customs and Border Patrol related to the pause of tariffs on goods in alleged antidumping violations.

How to avoid solar antidumping tariffs

A note from Clean Energy Associates (CEA) shares tips for getting solar components into the U.S. market duty free.


First Solar reports forced labor in supply chain

A third-party examination revealed that employees employed by four subcontractors at manufacturing sites in Malaysia were subject to unethical labor practices.

U.S. national labs evaluate potential for floating solar in Southeast Asia

The labs assessed the technical potential for floating PV and underlined its co-benefits in environmental protection and food security.

Senate votes to resume solar tariffs, threatening clean energy supply

The United States Senate voted to overturn President Biden’s two-year pause on tariffing solar goods shipped from four Southeast Asian nations responsible for 80% of solar supply. Biden is expected to veto the resolution.

Biden to maintain solar tariff pause with veto

Legislators are moving to restore tariffs for the shipment of solar components from four major Southeast Asian nations, but the President will veto the move and maintain the pause on tariffs.

Bipartisan group files to repeal solar tariff moratorium

The tariff reaches as high as 250% of the cost of solar components shipped from four Southeast Asian countries responsible for 80% of the supply of solar in the US.


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