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SolarCity Launches Residential Service for South Carolina

Charleston-area customers can buy solar online; Local hiring underway for sales and installation jobs

SoCore Energy Begins Construction on 1.9 Megawatt Community Solar Project for Bandera Electric Cooperative in Leakey, Texas

SoCore Energy announced today that construction has commenced on a 1.9 megawatt (MW) ground-mounted solar project in Leakey, Texas for Bandera Electric Cooperative (BEC). SoCore worked to develop this project for BEC, which will provide the opportunity for its members to subscribe to community solar power for their homes and businesses. This project supports BEC’s […]

PACE Funding Group Supports California’s Property Assessed Clean Energy Consumer Protections Bill

Assembly Bill 2693 provides consistent consumer protections across the PACE industry in California; PACE Funding realigns operations to best support California homeowners

Suntech Partners with Munich Re in the US to Further Validate Module Bankability

Wuxi Suntech, one of the World’s leading solar module manufacturers announced a partnership with Munich Re, one of the World’s leading reinsurers, to provide insurance back up to its 25 year solar module warranty for all modules shipped to the US. This partnership is further validation of Suntech’s bankability. To qualify for this insurance, Suntech […]

Solar Developer 8minutenergy Renewables Expands Operations Into Texas

8minutenergy Renewables, LLC, (“8minutenergy”), the leading independent solar developer in the United States, announced today at the Gulf Coast Power Association Fall Conference in Austin, Texas the company has formally expanded operations into Texas. 8minutenergy recently opened an office in Houston to drive the over 2 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects that the company […]

FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities Launch Request for Proposal for 2016 Solar and Renewable Energy Credits

FirstEnergy Corp. today announced a Request for Proposal (RFP) to purchase both Ohio-compliant Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) for its Ohio utilities – Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric Illuminating and Toledo Edison.  The purchases will help meet the Companies’ 2016 renewable energy targets established under Ohio’s alternative energy law. SRECs and RECs sought in this RFP must […]

Amber Kinetics and Hawaiian Electric Sign Agreement for Flywheel Energy Storage Pilot Project

Amber Kinetics and Hawaiian Electric Company have agreed to conduct a joint energy storage pilot project to test the capability of a flywheel system. Amber Kinetics will build and install an Amber Gen2© Model 25 steel flywheel system, the first commercially available four-hour duration flywheel, at Hawaiian Electric’s Campbell Industrial Park generating station on O‘ahu, where […]

SunEdison, Inc. Responds To Claims And Allegations Made By TerraForm Power, Inc., And TerraForm Global, Inc.

On Sunday, September 25, 2016, each of TerraForm Power, Inc. and TerraForm Global, Inc. issued a press release purportedly describing allegations made by the Yieldcos in proofs of claims filed by them last Friday in SunEdison, Inc.’s and its related affiliates’ bankruptcy cases (collectively, “SunEdison”).  While SunEdison disagrees with many of the statements, claims and allegations made by the […]

RGS Energy Announces Conversion of Preferred Stock Issue Complete

RGS Energy, a residential and small commercial solar company since 1978, reported that all of its Series A 12.5% Mandatorily Convertible Preferred Stock, stated value $1,000.00 per share (“Preferred Stock”) has been converted into shares of the Company’s Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Common Stock”). Through September 29, 2016, the […]

BYU Goes Green with Legend Solar Sponsorship

Legend Solar becomes the official solar provider of BYU Athletics, with plans to save the department millions of dollars in energy costs.

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