Effectiveness of force and power limiting technologies of the collaborative robots and their global demand


Due to the improved safety features of cobots, people and robots could now work together for the first time in robotics. Cobots, or collaborative robots, were created to lower the safety concerns associated with direct human-robot interactions for workers. Given that cobots are one of the largest trends in robotics, this technology has gained a lot of popularity.

Efficacy of the power & force limiting technologies

Industrial robotics has a wide range of uses, from robotic assembly to automated welding. As a robotic palletizer, industrial robots can be used to palletize bags of mulch or stone. To carry out inspection tasks, an industrial robot can be linked with a robotic vision system.

Almost all six-axis robots can be retooled and reprogrammed to fulfil additional robotic applications after one is finished, which is one of the significant advantages of automation with robots. Both a robotic welder and a material handling robot can be used with the FANUC M20ia. The FANUC R2000ib/210F is capable of robotic dispensing and spot welding.

The process of adequate System implementation

This section prominently presents the various software architecture and modules which were used for the validation and implementation of the presented safety system within an industrial environment.  During the time of execution of a robotic motion along a certain type of path, the current signals are implemented to the robot’s motors by means of the system controller.

Overall Outlook

  • PFL-type of collaborative robots is already on the verge of a larger scale of deployment.
  • The Biomechanical limit criteria in case of transient and quasi-static contact are already under development.
  • Some of the pivotal risk reduction techniques for the PFL robots have already been identified.
  • The Model-based estimations of the various transient contact events can be of very much help in the estimation of whether or not a particular type of case is permissible or not.
  • The roles of the integrator, manufacturer, & end-user are very much different based on their responsibilities and their requirements for the data & calculation methods for the estimation of biomechanical data loading.

The necessary current signals for a specific arm motion of the PFL robots are anticipated using time-invariant dynamic models along with the supervised, feedforward input-delay neural networks on the signal processing. The actual current signals of the motors, which the robot controller continuously measures, are contrasted with the expected nominal current signals. The models that have been outlined can be expanded for use in collaborative human-robot applications. The proposed method has been applied to a six-degree-of-freedom industrial robot, and the testing results demonstrate how effective the power and force limitation method is. The objective of this method is to facilitate the development process of a robotic control method that can be used for the prevention of possible accidents that are caused due to some unexpected situations within a shared human-robot industrial workplace. The approach is entirely based on the detection of the significant external forces, which in turn can be applied to structuring a robotic arm during its motion.


Collaborative robots and its applications are still used in the automotive sector today to automate non-traditional procedures. The aim is to close the talent gap, keep skilled employees on staff, draw in the younger generation, and raise the overall quality. The human-robot collaboration (HRC), with an automated workplace for example (with dual-arm robotic system participation) is still being discussed across the cobot’ research organizations worldwide. To meet the requirements of the PFL & HRC techniques, the precise contact (transient, and quasi-static) between the human body & robotic systems are described.