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President Trump and solar: An interview with Christopher Mansour, SEIA

Christopher Mansour is the vice president of federal affairs for Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). pv magazine discussed with him his predictions on energy policy under a Trump presidency, and what SEIA’s strategy is.

US election: solar, renewable and climate advocates cool on Trump win

While those within the U.S. are understandably nervy after Trump’s victory, global observers have taken a more sanguine view on the potential impact of his Presidency on solar markets.

Disaster: Donald Trump is U.S. President-elect

The results of the 2016 U.S. Presidential and Senate Elections are a worst-case scenario for the U.S. solar industry, and no federal support is safe.

Florida’s Amendment 1 fails in enormous win for solar

The utility-supported anti-solar constitutional amendment needed 60 percent to pass — and struggled to break 50 percent instead

Conflicts continue over Duke’s interconnection rules

North Carolina regulators have offered the company relief on a complaint by seven solar developers, but have served complaints against the power company for three other projects.

All (solar) eyes will be on Florida

As voters go to the polls tomorrow to pick the next U.S. president, voters in the Sunshine State will decide whether the solar industry will move forward — or stay under the control of its utilities

APS, pro-solar group together spend $6 million on Arizona Corporation Commission races

The competition to fund these races comes as Commissioner Tobin is found to be soliciting money for his side job.

Vote Solar and Earthjustice appeal Nevada court decision in bid to revive net metering

The organizations are challenging a court ruling which ordered the grandfathering of net-metered customers, but ignored the regulatory decision which dismantled net metering.

From the editor: Big choices

Next Tuesday’s elections are a big deal for the solar industry – including key policy contests and races in Florida, Arizona and Nevada.

pv magazine presents: DOE’s Dr. Rebecca Jones-Albertus on slashing soft costs

Two weeks ago, the Department of Energy released $21.4 million to fund 17 projects to bring down soft costs around the country. pv magazine sat down with Dr. Rebecca Jones-Albertus, the Sunshot Initiative official who will oversee the projects, to learn more.

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