Hourly pricing is intended to shift some load to periods of high renewables generation, when wholesale power prices are lower. Some customers are expected to opt in to hourly rates with the support of automated demand-shifting technology.
Utility-scale batteries are being pursued by many utilities, the generation and transmission co-op utility said in explaining its decision, while aggregated distributed resources “can be counted on as predictable generation capacity.”
ERCOT’s pilot project, designed in less than a year, will support grid reliability and is expected to be ongoing. Some other grid operators have already launched or announced similar programs.
With access to grid models, Tesla said it could estimate a project’s interconnection costs with an informational study in less than two weeks. Trade groups SEIA and AEE renewed their call to allow third-party interconnection studies.
Several teams plan to propose regional hubs in which large-scale clean hydrogen production would be paired with industrial and other end-uses for hydrogen. DOE gave examples of technologies that could meet its draft standard for “clean” hydrogen.
Grid operator SPP is in discussions with Amazon Web Services about using AI to speed interconnection studies for utility-scale solar. A NextEra executive is bringing the idea to other grid operators.
Annual rooftop solar installations more than double when each homeowner’s long-term “profit” on a system increases from zero to $1,000, a study found. Based partly on that study, a Minnesota utility must now evaluate distributed solar incentives as a means to save all customers money.
Even adding 9.5 GW of renewables will increase transmission congestion, said NYISO, in a report that also called for development and commercialization of dispatchable emission-free resources.
New Jersey would grant clean energy credits to solar and wind project owners and require the state’s utilities to buy them to meet clean energy targets, under a proposal by New Jersey regulatory staff. Other states could join in the proposed market.
The Midwestern transmission operator MISO is moving to increase transmission and otherwise facilitate interconnection, said a regional trade group leader, yet she also recommended further improvements by MISO and neighboring grid operators.
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