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New Orleans: Actors paid to oppose solar and wind, push for power plant

It turns out that the public support for a proposed gas plant in New Orleans includes actors who were paid to show up and in some cases provide public comment. Entergy has denied any connection to the hiring.

Some sunbelt states are sunny side down on rooftop solar

A new report sheds light on primarily states, primarily in the sunbelt, that dampen (or drown) rooftop solar through bad policies, or none at all.

Solar advocates push back against proposal to gut net metering in Louisiana

Sierra Club, GSREIA and Alliance for Affordable Energy are among those arguing against proposed changes that would move all exported power to avoided cost, open the door to discriminatory charges, and provide only five years of grandfathering for existing solar owners.

GTM Research predicts 11% reduction in the U.S. solar market from tariffs

President Trump’s tariff decision was not the worst-case scenario for the U.S. market, but GTM Research says that it will still have effects, particularly in marginal and emerging regional markets.


U.S. mayors plan funding for distributed energy, smart grids and more

The nation’s mayors are pushing for policies that will preserve existing federal programs and expand support for grid modernization and clean energy.

The future of solar in MISO

MISO plans to conduct a multi-year study of how increasing amounts of solar and other forms of renewable energy will impact its territory and how to manage expected growth.

Louisiana retroactively fixes solar tax credit

The state’s house and senate have passed a bill to ensure that PV system owners who installed solar by the end of 2015 actually get the tax credit they were promised.

Louisiana to shut down solar tax rebate after exceeding cap

Advocates believe that the cap on rebates may impact homeowners who installed solar before the law changed in July 2015.


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