Homeowners can now pay off on solar roof installations in less than 4years.


Just 2-years ago, the thought of having a bespoke solar roof home system was considered niche home investment – more of a middle-upper class type of investment. Now, we are seeing a rapid downward trend in the spot price of solar panel equipment, coupled with the unprecedented rise in global energy bills as a result of the Russia-Ukrainian war, thus making the feasibility of solar roof home systems for everyone and everyone.

Across the U.S., Europe, Asia and Africa, homeowners can now expect to completely pay back on their solar roof system in under 4 years – if solar is being sold at current market price. As such, we are now seeing a rapid demand influx for solar roof systems amongst homeowners in the U.S., Europe and parts of Africa, as these homeowners are chasing meaningful energy savings that can be derived from the solar roof system over time.

PVRoof (www.pvroof.io) has created a way for homeowners to fast-track solar roof adoption. They have created a free platform for homeowners to help them understand how much they can save on their home energy bills by switching to a solar roof system. This platform goes further by providing various finance options for the homeowner should they want to secure funds via a loan or lease option.

To find out how much you too can save on your energy bills, visit PVRoof at www.pvroof.io or follow the link and fill out the quick form to get your customised solar savings report.