EnSync Energy’s DER Flex™ Internet of Energy Platform Aggregates and Monetizes Distributed Energy Resources


EnSync, Inc. (NYSE MKT: ESNC), dba EnSync Energy Systems, a leading developer of innovative distributed energy resource (DER) systems and internet of energy (IOE) control platforms for the utility, commercial, industrial and multi-tenant building markets, today introduces DER Flex, technology that enables aggregation and monetization of DERs, such as solar and energy storage, in utility and ISO markets.

The ability for DERs to connect with and participate in real-time utility and ISO energy market pricing optimizes asset profitability. DER Flex also provides for simultaneous participation across multiple markets, as well as aggregation and coordination of multiple DER sites.

The innovative IOE platform provides for numerous applications, such as demand charge reduction, time-of-use optimization, back-up power, power factor correction, demand response and supply response on demand, all designed to monetize resources, ensure resiliency and provide valuable grid services. Additionally, DER Flex automates all transactions, precluding operators from having to become experts in energy markets and transactions.

DER Flex is a utility-grade platform, designed for mission critical communications, and is SCADA and NERC CIP compatible, enabling participation in utility and ISO markets.  It includes forecasting, such as solar irradiance, to predict market opportunities and prioritize applications, as well as provides a suite of monitoring and reporting capability that utilizes EnSync Energy cloud computing for simple scalability. It is compatible with smart-phones, tablets and desktops, and the technology is already deployed at multiple C&I sites.  DER Flex with the Matrix Energy Management system will be delivered to ENMAX, a leading Alberta based utility, in the coming weeks.  The DER Flex will also be compatible with EnSync Energy’s residential system that is scheduled to ship at the end of this calendar year.

“Every utility and every utility customer that deploys distributed energy resources will ultimately want the ability to link DERs to the grid network, and will require a platform that enables this to happen while meeting the utility’s security requirements,” said Dan Nordloh, Executive Vice President of EnSync Energy.  “DER Flex is the first platform that completely integrates and unlocks a myriad of applications to optimize the exchange of power for both the utility and the owner of the distributed resources.”

When DER Flex is integrated with the Matrix Energy Management system, it can provide three potential paths to revenue for the company.  First, the DER Flex will be an additional driver of sales of EnSync Energy’s projects as it opens up additional value streams with the connectivity to utility grid services and wholesale energy markets.  Second, it provides the opportunity for ongoing revenue sharing or licensing fees once systems are deployed that participate in the grid services and wholesale markets.  Third, there are existing solar only C&I facilities that may elect to replace existing inverters with EnSync Matrix and energy storage systems based upon a capability to access energy markets and sell production at a premium in spot-market situations.

“We quietly formed our dedicated Internet of Energy platform development team a little over a year ago.  In that short amount of time, they have delivered the commercialized DER Flex product that is critical to linking distributed energy resources with the utility network and wholesale energy markets.  There are many well-funded, venture-backed companies trying to get a similar capability into the market, but few have any commercial installations and no other company provides the complete, integrated DER plus IOE solution,” said Brad Hansen, EnSync Energy President and CEO.  “EnSync continues to be an innovation engine for the ‘new energy economy’, with a mission to benefit society by realizing the least expensive and most reliable electricity.”

The launch of DER Flex furthers EnSync Energy’s position in the energy ecosystem, as the company now offers Matrix™ energy management hardware, DER Flex IOE controls, application specific energy storage, consulting, design engineering and financial and technical modeling to ensure systems are designed for optimal operational and financial performance.