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PG&E backup batteries, new community solar in New York: pvMB 10/24/19

Happy Thursday everybody and welcome to the pvMB! Today we’ve got for you a TerraForm notes update, the first ever LA area Contractor Day, a California SOMAH public forum announcement and more!

Wells Fargo signs a huge renewable deal, Newlight Partners invests $150 million in solar developer: pvMB 10/23/19

Hello one and all and guess what? You’re reading a Hump Day MB. Today we’ll be looking at a solar advocacy group doing its job, PacifiCorp’s final IRP, the UC Irvine Engineers for a sustainable future event and more!

America’s largest floating solar project completed

Ciel & Terre USA has completed a 4.4. MW floating solar array in Sayreville, New Jersey, the largest of such a project in North America. This is an important step for a technology that NREL predicts could reach 9.6% of current electricity generation.


More than 230 U.S. mayors sign for ITC extension

More than 230 mayors across the country have joined in on signing SEIA’s letter urging congress to pass a 5-year extension to the 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit.

Ford makes major EV charging investment, Florida regulators approve Tampa Electric Co. solar cost recovery: pvMB 10/22/19

Hello everybody, happy Tuesday and welcome to the pvMB. Today we’ve got for you MnSEIA’s conference kicking off, Greenbacker Renewable Energy signing three solar deals, Philipstown, NY approving community solar and more!

ACCIONA buys solar + storage on a national scale

The Spanish company has purchased 3 GW of solar projects and 1 GW of solar + storage from developer Tenaska, with all of the projects concentrated in non-traditional solar markets.


Pittsburgh International Airport installs microgrid, Illinois receives first ComEd community solar rebate: pvMB 10/21/19

Hello all and welcome to the first pvMB of the week, today we’ve got Hammond Power’s website redesign, Power MI launched and more!

Dominion throws the challenge flag on the Energy Freedom Act

The utility is attempting to set the avoided energy cost rate for solar projects under PURPA at just $16.76/MWh for new generation and $23.46/MWh for queued generation. These are some of the lowest avoided cost rates seen to date.

Solar utility in Hyundai’s new adventure vehicle, ACORE pitches nationwide renewable energy standard: pvMB 10/17/19

Welcome to Thursday and the pvMB. Today, we’ve got Solar District Cup 2020, a Vivint homeowner survey on power outages, Solar on Seguin Island and more!


Massachusetts moves to protect premium land under SMART

The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources has changed the definition of land deemed “prime” or more valuable for solar projects, increasing the number of projects that will receive penalties under the SMART program.


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